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We call this brownie "Over the Top Nuts... Are All Around"

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

Who would have known that making an ooey-gooey chocolate morsel, could make all your problems not seems as bad and have you realizing in only a few short minutes, that there are really "Nuts... All Around"

Welcome to Brownies and Coffee. Well, I think we are off to a great start especially since I really had no idea what I was doing in writing a book and the fact that it was going to take off! This culinary hobby and passion that I have always had in making brownies all with a unique twist, is kind of now an unbelievable experience with all the attention erupting from this blog. This particular brownie is called "Over the Top Nuts ... Are All Around." And believe me, there are "nuts" all around, very true. Be on the lookout for this delicious recipe in the soon to be released book, Brownies and Coffee.

Work Interactions can Inspire a Brownie Recipes

As weird as this may sound, cooking actually relaxes me. My wife tells me all the time that she cooks only to survive, whereas I use cooking as a means to unwind from the stress of the day or situations.

The "Over the Top Nuts ... Are All Around" brownie is inspired by the fact that sometimes I work myself nutty trying to get everything just perfect. The reality is that none of us are perfect, but we still try. The other reality is that I love these lightly roasted walnuts while I'm indulging myself in this ooey-gooeyness brownie, walnuts are actually very heart-healthy. Walnuts are the only nuts that contain high amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are known to lower blood pressure and promote heart health. Additionally, current research indicates that walnuts can help manage metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and inflammation. These nuts have anti-cancer properties and can play a role in weight management too. And hey, here's another very fascinating fact, walnuts are known to improve cognitive functioning and memory. Scientist have made the claim that eating walnuts regularly has been linked to lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Drinking Coffee every day Benefits

I don't know about you, but I can drink coffee almost every day while going to work, coming from work, at work, at home at dinner, etc.... In fact, I'm totally addicted to Starbucks; I practically live there. But I question, is this stuff actually good for ya? For years, we've all read it, coffee was believed to be dangerous and was said to raise your blood pressure, make your heart race, impair sleep, and even cause cancer. These beliefs have now shifted as coffee is being touted in the news as beneficial to extending your lifespan. According to one medical journal "Circulation"; Vol.132, No.24 - Higher consumption of coffee is associated with lower risk of death. Yes, you read that correctly, drinking coffee is associated with a 8% - 15% reduction in the risk of death. Other studies have found that coffee drinkers may also have reduced risk of a heart attack, heart failure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, uterine cancer, liver cancer, cirrhosis, and even gout.

Summarizing the "Over the Top Nuts...Are All Around" brownie

It's a beneficial brownie!

Well, mere words in describing this brownie are not enough to put into perspective how much I personally enjoy this chocolate encrusted with roasted walnuts block of heavenly delight. This has to be by far one my favorite ways to wind down a long day with a refreshing mug of java. So give it a try and let me know what you think; this recipe can be found in the soon to be released book: Brownies and Coffee. Enjoy!

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